Corporate Responsibility Report 2012

Global Reporting Initiative


Global Reporting Initiative


Strategy and analysis

1.1 Statement from president and CEO 
1.2 Key impacts, risks and opportunities (Other Air Emissions, Corporate Strategy & Analysis, Risks and Challenges)

Organizational profile

2.1 Name of organization 
2.2 Products 
2.3 Operational structure
2.4 Location of headquarters 
2.5 Number of countries where organization operates 
2.6 Nature of ownership 
2.7 Markets served (Operating Performance Overview, Corporate Profile)
2.8 Scale of the organization (Operating Performance Overview, Corporate Profile
2.9 Significant changes
2.10 Awards

Report parameters

3.1 Reporting period
3.2 Date of previous report
3.3 Reporting cycle
3.4 Contact for questions 
3.5 Process for defining content
3.6 Boundary of report 
3.7 Limitations on scope
3.8 Basis for reporting on joint ventures, subsidiaries, etc. 
3.9 Data measurement techniques (Safety Performance Overview, Other Air Emissions)
3.11 Significant changes from previous reporting periods
3.12 GRI content index
3.13 Assurance

Governance , commitments and engagement

4.1 Governance structure
4.2 Function of the Chair
4.3 Independent and/or non-executive board members
4.4 Mechanisms for shareholder and employee input
4.5 Compensation and performance
4.6 Conflicts of interest process
4.7 Process for determining qualifications
4.8 Mission, values, codes of conduct
4.9 Procedures for overseeing performance, risks and opportunities
4.10 Process for evaluating board performance
4.11 Precautionary principle
4.12 Externally developed charters (economic, environmental, social)
4.13 Association memberships
4.14 Stakeholders engaged (Consultation & Engagement, Quality Wind & Halkirk Wind, Genesee Generating Station, Ontario Wind Projects)
4.15 Basis of identifying stakeholders
4.16 Approaches to stakeholder engagement
4.17 Key topics and concerns (Consultation & Engagement, Quality Wind & Halkirk Wind, Genesee Generating Station, Ontario Wind Projects)


EN1 Materials used 
EU1 Installed capacity, broken down by primary energy source and by regulatory regime
EN2 Percentage of recycled materials
EU2 Net energy output broken down by primary energy source and by regulatory regime
EN3 Direct energy consumption
EN5 Energy saved – conservation
EU5 Allocation of CO2 emission allowances or equivalent, broken down by carbon trading framework
EN8 Total water withdrawal 
EN9 Water sources affected
EN10 Water recycled
EN11 Location and size of land (Genesee Biomonitoring, Reclamation
EU11 Average generation efficiency of thermal plants by energy source and by regulatory regime
EN12 Impact on biodiversity
EN13 Habitats protected/restored
EU13 Biodiversity of offset habitats compared to the biodiversity of the affected areas
EN14 Managing impacts on biodiversity
EN15 ICUN Red List species
EN16 GHG emissions by weight
EN18 Initiatives to reduce GHGs 
EN19 Emissions of ozone-depleting substances by weight 
EN20 Nox, Sox, other emissions by weight
EN21 Total water discharge
EN22 Total weight of waste
EN23 Number/volume of spills
EN24 Weight of hazardous waste
EN25 Water bodies and habitat affected by discharged water
EN26 Initiatives to mitigate impacts of products/ services (Other Air Emissions, Genesee Biomonitoring, Reclamation)
EN28 Monetary value of fines, and other sanctions for non-compliance with environmental laws (Energy Production, Environmental Indicators)

Human Rights

HR1 Investment agreements with human rights clauses
HR2 Suppliers screen for human rights
HR3 Employee training on human rights
HR4 Discrimination incidents
HR5 Protecting freedom of association/collection bargaining
HR6 Child labour issues
HR7 Forced labour issues
HR8 Security personnel trained in human rights policies
HR9 Incidents/violations regarding indigenous peoples
HR10 Number of human rights reviews/impact assessments
HR11 Grievances related to human rights

Labour practices / Decent work

LA1 Total workforce
LA2 Employee new hires/turnover rate
LA3 Benefits
LA4 Collective bargaining
LA5 Notice periods for operational changes
LA6 Workforce in health and safety committees
LA7 Injuries, diseases, absenteeism
LA8 Education and support for disease prevention
LA9 Health and safety topics in trade union agreements
LA11 Skills management and lifelong learning 
LA13 Composition of governance bodies and breakdown of employees by category (Board of Directors, Workforce & Compensation)
LA14 Ratio of basic salary of men to women
EU14 Programs and processes to ensure the availability of a skilled workforce
EU15 Percentage of employees eligible to retire in the next five and ten years, broken down by job category and by region
EU16 Policies and requirements regarding health and safety of employees and employees of contractors and subcontractors
EU17 Days worked by contractor and subcontractor employees involved in construction, operation and maintenance activities
EU18 Percentage of contractor and subcontractor employees that have undergone relevant health and safety training


SO1 Programs to manage impacts on communities (Our Giving, Partnerships)
EU19 Stakeholder participation in the decisionmaking process related to energy planning and infrastructure (Consultation & Engagement, Quality Wind & Halkirk Wind, Genesee Generating Station, Ontario Wind Projects)
EU20 Approach to managing the impacts of displacement
EU21 Contingency planning measures, disaster/ emergency management plan and training programs, and recovery/restoration plans
EU22 Number of people physically or economically displaced, and compensation, broken down by types of project
EU25 Number of injuries and fatalities to the public involving company assets, including legal judgments, settlements and pending legal cases of diseases
SO2 Risks related to corruption 
SO3 Employee training for anti-corruption
SO4 Actions taken in response to corruption incidents 
SO5 Public policy positions and lobbying
SO6 Financial/in-kind contributions to political parties and politicians
SO7 Legal actions for anti-competitive behaviour
SO8 Fines and sanctions for non-compliance with laws/regulations

Product responsibility

PR2 Incidents of non-compliance – health and safety 
PR3 Type of product and service information 
PR4 Incidents of non-compliance – labelling 
PR5 Customer satisfaction 
PR6 Marketing communications – laws
PR7 Marketing communications – compliance
PR8 Customer privacy
PR9 Fines for non-compliance


EC1 Economic value generated and distributed, including donations
EC2 Financial implications & risks for activities related to climate change
EC3 Coverage of defined benefit plan obligations
EC4 Financial assistance received from government
EC5 Range of ratios of entry-level wage compared to local minimum wage
EC6 Policy, practices and proportion of spending on locally-based suppliers
EC7 Procedures for local hiring and proportion of senior management hired from local communities (Economic Contributions, Ontario Wind Projects)
EC8 Impact of infrastructure investments and services for public benefit (Ontario Wind Projects, Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Reclamation)
EU8 R&D expenditures aimed at providing reliable electricity and promoting sustainable development (Reclamation, Corporate Strategy & Analysis, Greenhouse Gas Emissions)
EC9 Indirect economic impacts
EU30 Average plant availability factor by energy source and by regulatory regime


GRI Indicators not reported

There are a number of GRI Indicators for which Capital Power does not report data. This section lists each indicator that is excluded from the report, and the reason for the exclusion.


3.10 Effect of any restatements of information in previous report No restatements occurred.

EU3 Number of customer accounts Capital Power has no retail power business and, therefore, no retail customer accounts.

EN4 Indirect energy consumption Capital Power does not track this information, and emissions from indirect energy consumption are not material compared to direct emissions from operations.

EU4 Length of transmission lines Capital Power does not operate transmission and distribution lines.

EU6 Management approach to ensure short and long-term electricity availability and reliability Capital Power is an independent producer and operates in markets where it does not have overall market responsibility for managing short- or long-term electricity availability or reliability.

EU7 Demand side management programs Capital Power has no retail power business and, therefore, no customer-facing demand management programs.

EN7 Initiatives to reduce indirect energy consumption Capital Power does not currently collect this data.

EU9 Provisions for decommissioning nuclear power sites Not applicable. Capital Power does not operate or own any nuclear power generation.

EU10 Planned capacity against projected electricity demand over long term Capital Power is an independent producer and operates in markets where it does not have overall market responsibility for managing short- or long-term electricity availability or reliability.

EU12 Transmission and distribution losses Capital Power does not operate transmission and distribution lines.

EN17 Other greenhouse gas emissions by weight Not material.

EU23 Programs to improve or maintain access to electricity and customer support Capital Power has no retail power business and, therefore, no retail customer accounts.

EU24 Practices to address barriers to accessing and safely using electricity and customer support services Capital Power has no retail business and, therefore, no retail customer accounts.

EU26, 27 Population unserved in licensed distribution or service areas Not applicable. Capital Power does not provide transmission and distribution services and has no retail business.

EU27 Number of residential disconnections Not applicable. Capital Power has no retail power business and, therefore, no retail customer accounts.

EU28, 29 Power outage frequency and duration Not applicable. Capital Power does not provide transmission and distribution services.

EN27 Percentage of products sold and package materials reclaimed Not applicable.

EN29 Significant environmental impact of transporting products Capital Power does not currently collect this data.

EN30 Total environmental protection expenditures Capital Power reports on specific projects, including Front End Engineering Design for near-zero emission power generation. However, no total dollar value is reported for research and development activities as this data is not aggregated within the company.

LA10 Average hours of training per year per employee Capital Power does not currently collect this data. A Learning Management module is planned for implementation in late 2012/early 2013.

LA12 Percentage of employees receiving regular performance and career development reviews Managers are responsible for providing regular (at least annual) performance reviews for their employees; however, Capital Power’s systems do not currently collect aggregated data on the completion of reviews.

LA15 Return to work and retention rates after parental leave by gender. Capital Power does not currently collect this data.

PR1 Life cycle stages in which health and safety impacts of products and services are assessed for improvement As a power producer, Capital Power does not have products and services.

SO9 Operations with significant potential or actual negative impacts on local communities Capital Power continually monitors its environmental impact and works closely with the community. No reports to date have attributed negative impacts specific to Capital Power operations.

SO10 Prevention and mitigation measures for negative impacts on local communities Capital Power continually monitors its environmental impact and works closely with the community. No reports to date have attributed negative impacts specific to Capital Power operations.

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