Corporate Responsibility Report 2012

Other Air Emissions

Our emissions profile

The fuel mix of our fleet includes coal/solid fuel, natural gas, and wind. Solid fuel generation creates higher and more types of emissions than natural gas, while wind has zero emissions. The most obvious determinant of emissions is the generation output, or how many hours per year the facilities operate.

The relative size of each generation facility makes it challenging to compare our facilities across the fleet. Specifically, Genesee dominates both generation output and emissions.

Ninety-eight percent of our generation comes from natural gas and solid fuel-fired generation. The combustion of any fuel emits greenhouse gas (GHG) and oxides of nitrogen (NOx). The combustion of solid fuels such as coal, biomass, or tire-derived fuel (TDF) releases sulphur dioxide (SO2), metals, and other compounds to the atmosphere. Additionally, a byproduct of solid fuel is ash, which depending on the fuel type can include metals.

The most significant emissions from fuel-fired generation, excluding GHG, include NOx, SO2, particulate matter (PM), and mercury.

Mercury emissions decreased

Genesee Units 1, 2 and 3 completed its second year with the Activated Carbon Injection (ACI) system, which is used to lower mercury concentration in flue-gas emissions. Since the system has been installed, we achieved a 73% decrease in Genesee mercury emissions compared to 2010.

In 2012, Genesee 1 and Genesee 2 had a capture rate of 77.71% and Genesee 3 had a capture rate of 75.20% versus a 2012 requirement of 70% capture. We will continue to monitor and adjust injection rates to meet future targets.

Oxides of nitrogen, sulphur dioxide and particulate matter

Our Genesee 1 and 2 facilities are the main contributors of NOx, SO2 and PM emissions in our fleet. Genesee 3, co-owned with TransAlta, has much lower NOx and SO2 emissions due to the addition of pollution control equipment such as low NOx burners and flue-gas desulfurization.

  • NOx emissions: In 2012, NOx emissions were 15,000 tonnes with Genesee 1 and Genesee 2 contributing approximately 77% of the NOx emissions. Genesee 1 and 2's NOx emissions were higher in 2011 than 2012 due to production challenges including quality of coal.
  • SO2 emissions: In 2012, SO2 emissions were 20,000 tonnes with Genesee 1 and Genesee 2 contributing to 66% of the SO2 emissions. Genesee 1 and 2's SO2 emissions were higher in 2011 than 2012 due to production challenges including quality of coal.
  • Particulate Matter emissions: In 2012, PM emissions were 1,560 tonnes with Genesee 1 and Genesee 2 contributing to 83% of the PM emissions. The solid fuel facilities are the main contributors of PM.

Biomonitoring Program

The environmental biomonitoring in the Genesee Wabamun region in west-central Alberta determines what environmental impacts, if any, have occurred as a result of power generation. The results collected from 2004 to present show no appreciable trends associated with contaminant concentrations in the majority of the sampled media across all of the sampling locations. Various activities make up the Genesee biomonitoring program.

Halkirk Wind, AB

Emissions Intensities

Emissions Intensities1 - Sulphur dioxide

  Year Canada U.S. All

1. Emissions intensities include only power generation operations. Emissions intensities do not include emissions from indirect sources, such as those resulting from electricity usage at our offices. Intensity is calculated using the net production (MWh) from all Capital Power facilities, including all renewable, waste heat and fossil fuel facilities.

2. In accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard [World Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable Development (2004)], carbon dioxide released at facilities from combustion of biomass and landfill gas are not included in emissions totals and intensities.

3. GHG emission intensities are stack emissions only, and do not reflect the impact of offsets.

Sulphur dioxide
2010 1.32 0.45 1.06
2011 1.62 0.57 1.27
2012 1.59 0.63 1.25

Emissions Intensities1 - Oxides of nitrogen

Emissions Intensities 1
  Year Canada U.S. All

1. Emissions intensities include only power generation operations. Emissions intensities do not include emissions from indirect sources, such as those resulting from electricity usage at our offices. Intensity is calculated using the net production (MWh) from all Capital Power facilities, including all renewable, waste heat and fossil fuel facilities.

2. In accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard [World Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable Development (2004)], carbon dioxide released at facilities from combustion of biomass and landfill gas are not included in emissions totals and intensities.

3. GHG emission intensities are stack emissions only, and do not reflect the impact of offsets.

Oxides of nitrogen
2010 1.29 0.24 0.98
2011 1.43 0.34 1.06
2012 1.36 0.25 0.96

Emissions Intensities1 - Total particulate matter

  Year Canada U.S. All

1. Emissions intensities include only power generation operations. Emissions intensities do not include emissions from indirect sources, such as those resulting from electricity usage at our offices. Intensity is calculated using the net production (MWh) from all Capital Power facilities, including all renewable, waste heat and fossil fuel facilities.

2. In accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard [World Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable Development (2004)], carbon dioxide released at facilities from combustion of biomass and landfill gas are not included in emissions totals and intensities.

3. GHG emission intensities are stack emissions only, and do not reflect the impact of offsets.

particulate matter

2010 0.10 0.03 0.08
2011 0.13 0.02 0.09
2012 0.14 0.02 0.10

Emissions Intensities1 - Mercury

  Year Canada U.S. All

1. Emissions intensities include only power generation operations. Emissions intensities do not include emissions from indirect sources, such as those resulting from electricity usage at our offices. Intensity is calculated using the net production (MWh) from all Capital Power facilities, including all renewable, waste heat and fossil fuel facilities.

2. In accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol: A Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard [World Resources Institute and World Business Council for Sustainable Development (2004)], carbon dioxide released at facilities from combustion of biomass and landfill gas are not included in emissions totals and intensities.

3. GHG emission intensities are stack emissions only, and do not reflect the impact of offsets.

2010 16.40 1.64 12.04
2011 5.33 2.42 4.34
2012 4.98 2.71 4.16

Total Air Emissions

Total Air Emissions - Oxides of nitrogen

  Year Canada U.S. All

Values represent direct emissions from power generation operations.

Oxides of nitrogen
2010 16,400 1,300 17,700
2011 15,100 1,900 17,000
2012 13,600 1,400 15,000

Total Air Emissions - Sulphur dioxide

  Year Canada U.S. All

Values represent direct emissions from power generation operations.

Sulphur dioxide
2010 16,700 2,400 19,100
2011 17,100 3,100 20,200
2012 15,900 3,600 19,500

Total Air Emissions - Total particulate matter

  Year Canada U.S. All

Values represent direct emissions from power generation operations.

particulate matter

2010 1,250 150 1,400
2011 1,350 105 1,455
2012 1,440 120 1,560

Total Air Emissions - Mercury

  Year Canada U.S. All

Values represent direct emissions from power generation operations.

2010 208 9 217
2011 56 13 69
2012 50 15 65

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