Tracking our environmental indicators
Ozone-depleting substances
No ozone-depleting substances were released in 2012.
Hazardous waste
We did not transport hazardous waste in 2012.
Clean air alliance
We are participating with industry, government and non-government organizations in the five-year review of the Clean Air Strategic Alliance Alberta Electricity Framework.
Environmental compliance
We experienced 42 reportable environmental incidents in 2012. Eleven of the 42 incidents, four regulatory infractions-reporting, three public complaints and four regulatory infraction-permit infractions, had no environmental impact. Just over half of the environmental incidents are regulatory infractions-air releases. These numbers have increased due to improved internal reporting processes.
Our Southport facility received a $6,331 fine in 2012 for exceeding the 24-hour SO2 permit limit on three occasions in September 2011. A Notice of Violation (NOV) was issued to Bridgeport for exceeding permitted air limits and a NOV was issued in 2013 to Roxboro for SO2 equipment availability in the fourth quarter of 2012.