This is how we’re giving back.
EmPowering Communities - the power of volunteers
EmPowering Communities encourages employee volunteerism and recognizes the valuable gifts of time, skill and knowledge that employees give to the community.
Employees and their families who volunteer a combined minimum of 35 hours in a calendar year can apply for a $500 grant to be donated by Capital Power to a non-profit organization of the employee’s choice.
Employees who refer co-workers to participate in the program for the first time are eligible to direct a referral grant of $250 to a non-profit or charitable service organization.
In 2012, 155 employees were involved in the program and 34 employees participated for the first time after being referred by a colleague. More than 15,000 hours in volunteer time were reported by employees and their families. In recognition of this dedication, we contributed $86,000 to non-profit organizations across North America.
2012 EmPowering Communities
Grants were provided to a wide variety of organizations, including:
- Alberta Ballet Company, AB
- Boy Scouts of America, MA, NC, ME
- Breton Minor Soccer, AB
- Community Concepts Incorporated - Head Start, ME
- Covenant House, BC
- Gilmore Park Community League, AB
- Heart and Stroke Foundation of Alberta, NWT & Nunavut
- Howth Society of Irish Dancing, AB
- Inn From the Cold Society, AB
- Londonderry Child Development Society, AB
- Mountainaire Avian Rescue Society, BC
- Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada, ON
- Open Shelves Food Pantry, RI
- San Diego Humane Society & SPCA, CA
- Turner Athletic Association, ME
- Wellesley Youth Football, MA
Celebrating volunteerism – Volunteer Calgary Leadership Awards
As a first-time sponsor of Volunteer Calgary’s Leadership Awards, we helped recognize the extraordinary efforts of volunteers who demonstrate exceptional community support.
Team building by volunteering
Eleven teams involving 96 employees lent their support to various community organizations in need of volunteers. Employees worked together to build camaraderie with their colleagues and connections with the community.
The Solarthon for GRID Alternatives, San Diego, California
A group of Capital Power employees teamed up with nearly 150 other volunteers for the GRID Alternatives 2012 Solarthon, which installs solar PV systems for low-income families. People from all walks of life worked side-by-side to partner on a common mission to help others.
This volunteer opportunity covered eight houses in San Diego, as an extension of the Habitat for Humanity project. Participants installed two sets of solar panels per residence, working with other sponsor volunteers, safety supervisors and the homeowners.
Employees were able to use their volunteer hours to apply for an EmPowering Communities Employee Volunteer grant. We also gave a cash donation to support this worthy cause.
Healthy Babies Diaper Drive, Bridgeport, Connecticut
Our Bridgeport employees demonstrated their care and compassion by hosting the first Healthy Babies Diaper Drive. After learning from United Way of Coastal Fairfield County that diapers are not covered by the state’s social assistance program, Capital Power plant administrator Ann Flaherty was inspired to rally the troops.
“I remember how expensive diapers were when my own children were babies,” Ann explains. “It feels so good to help.”
More than 2,200 diapers were collected, and United Way’s Voluntary Action Center arranged for them to be distributed through Bridgeport’s Social Service Department.