Corporate Responsibility Report 2012

Economic Contributions

This is how we contribute to the ECONOMY

Economic benefits from our business touch thousands of individuals and companies across North America and beyond, including equity and debt holders, local suppliers, governments, employees, energy producers and investment banks.

The following interactive graphs paint a picture of the economic contributions made (and received) by Capital Power in 2012.

At work at the Rumford plant in Maine

Cash Inflows and Outflows




All data in millions of dollars. This information is based on information from Capital Power’s 2012 financial statements but is not a substitute for them. Financial statements can be found online at and

(1) We receive approximately $1 million per year from the Government of Canada through the Wind Power Production Incentive program, created to encourage the development of wind energy capacity. The incentive is approximately $0.01 per kilowatt hour of production from our Kingsbridge Wind Power Project. Eligible recipients can receive the incentive on the first 10 years of production.

(2) Business acquisitions net of acquired cash.

(3) Includes $5 million (2011 - $18 million) for share-based equity payments and other pension amounts.

(4)Revenues and other income and payments for energy and fuel in 2012 are lower than 2011 mainly due to the divestiture of Capital Power Income L.P. in November 2011 and lower rate regulated tariff sales to Alberta local distribution companies in 2012.

(5)Interest & financing charges in 2012 are lower than 2011 mainly due to the divestiture of Capital Power Income L.P. in November 2011.

(6)Distributions to non-controlling interests in 2012 are lower than 2011 mainly due to the divestiture of Capital Power Income L.P. in November 2011 and the further reduction of EPCOR's interest in Capital Power in early 2012.

Cash Inflows:

Revenues and other income(4)

1,911 1,197
Proceeds from sale of emission credits 20 42
Government assistance (1) 1 1
Total 1,932 1,240
Financing and Investing
Proceeds from issue of loans and borrowings 604 250
Proceeds from preferred  shares issued - 150
Proceeds from common shares issued 469 8
Proceeds from sale of assets 131 116
Interest received (3) 2 7
Total 1,206 531
Cash Inflows to the company 3,138 1,771
Cash Outflows:
Payments for energy and fuel(4) 980 560
Operating expenses 219 196
Invested in property, plant and equipment and other assets 438 563
Purchase of emission credits 21 35
Total 678 794
Community investment 1 1
Business acquisitions(2) 647 -
Employee compensation and benefits(3) 155 143
Payments to governments
Income taxes 14 7
Property taxes 21 16
Total 35 23
Financing costs:
Repayment of long-term debt 293 62
Interest and financing charges(5) 122 89
Debt issue costs 5 3
Total 420 154
Distributions to non-controlling interests(6) 110 42
Dividends paid to common shareholders 51 62
Dividends paid to preferred shareholders 6 6
Preferred share dividends paid by subsidiary 11 -
Share issue cost 20 5
Total 198 115
Foreign exchange and other 7 1
Cash Outflows to the company’s stakeholders 3,121 1,791

We support and hire locally

We want to contribute to the sustainability of the communities where we operate. In 2012, we spent $579 million (2011 - $415 million) with our top 25 suppliers of goods and services. Of this amount, $75 million or 13% (2011 - $57 million or 14%) was defined as local spending, where the shipping destination and supplier site were both in the same jurisdiction.

Local ranchers care for cattle that graze on Capital Power owned land near the Genesee Generating Station in Alberta

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